I have been following Gwyneth Paltrow's blog for awhile now, and I adore it! It covers all things awesome with a category list of make, go, get, do, be and see (my favorite being MAKE, with the fashionable GET a close second). It is such a treat to see "It's Goop" in my inbox. GP's (an endearing term used by Mario Batali on their Spain adventure... more to come on that!) latest share was a feature on Erin McKenna, whose personal struggle to eliminate wheat, dairy, soy, caffeine and refined sugar from her diet led to the creation of Babycakes Bakery, allowing her to reinterpret the average cupcake and donut. Go take a stroll over to GOOP and check out the recipes that Erin shared... I can't wait to try the Lemon Poppy Teacake. Oh, and the Chocolate Cupcakes with garbanzo and fava bean flour!!
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